Thursday, March 14, 2013

One of those days...

Today was "one of those days" where I had obligations outside of the home and gave the kids a light day. Which generally means Friday is going to be a looooong day. I gave the kiddos premade handwriting sheets to practice there cursive signatures. Then, they had some mandala coloring sheets. This was supposed to be followed up by a Geography video which they somehow managed to avoid. I can't say I blame them for "forgetting" to watch the video the last few selections I have made were kind of blah. They have reminded me of the old boring film strips we watched in the 80's.

In other news my husband starts his new job on Monday and our days should run a bit smoother. While I have appreciated the extra hand it sometimes slows us down when he is on our turf.

Fridays are always super busy and as we try to get a lot of school work, cleaning and laundry done so we can have a time of rest. I am hoping to write a sum up of our entire week tomorrow "a week at a glance" type thing.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your hubby's starting a new job! We try to get all our schooling done on Mon-Thurs and Friday is chore and free time day (though I will sometimes sneak a LITTLE together school in there with some read alouds) =)
